Picture of the Month

From Bradshaw, the companion guide to On Our Lines
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Picture of the Month


Our monthly Picture of the Month competition is your opportunity to have your photograph featured across On Our Lines's social media channels and website! The competition is run on our Discord server, where every user can upload up to three photographs each month. Entries are then voted on by other members of the community, with the entry receiving the most votes being crowned the winner and sitting atop our social media profiles for the following month.

June's Picture of the Month

To see previous Pictures of the Month, click here.

The Rules

  • Each photograph submitted must have been taken by yourself, or someone who has given you express consent to enter the photograph.
  • The photograph must relate to the On Our Lines community in some way; that is to say that it should feature railways or other transport or directly correlate with an On Our Lines event, such as a social. This list is non-exhaustive and, ultimately, will be decided on by the public vote.
  • You cannot vote for your own entries.
  • By submitting your image, you agree to grant On Our Lines a non-revocable license to use this image across our website, social media and any other mediums we may use in the future with the purpose of advertising and promoting the community. All copyright and other permissions remain with you, and no further rights except those needed to display and use the image with be invoked.

The Archives

You can find all of the photos chosen as Picture of the Month by visiting the Picture of the Month archives: