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Daily quiz

From Bradshaw, the companion guide to On Our Lines
Revision as of 12:53, 31 December 2024 by Thryduulf (talk | contribs) ([[Category:Challenges])

After running successfully for nearly 18 years on District Dave's London Underground Forum, the daily quiz started to be simulcast on the On Our Lines Discord server from 1 January 2025.


Every day one or more images are presented and the goal is to identify the TfL location. Sometimes there are also insets/backgrounds to identify as well.

Typically once or twice a week (most commonly Tuesdays and Fridays, but there is no set schedule) there will be multiple locations (almost always four) that you have to find the link between, sometimes there is an odd one out or an extra member of the set to find. In all cases the question should make it clear.

To avoid spoiling things for others, if you are certain you know the answer early in the day then you are encouraged to submit your guess by PM to the quiz team (currently Thryduulf and Jarley)


Main locations can be one or more of the following:

  • Current London Underground, London Overground, DLR, Elizabeth line or Epping-Ongar Railway stations, depots or other infrastructure (e.g. the line or structures between current stations). This is by far the most common type of location.
  • Closed or disused London Underground or DLR stations, depots or other infrastructure.
  • Former LU, LO, DLR or Elizabeth line stations or infrastructure photographed when they were served by the relevant mode.
  • Future LU, LO, DLR or Elizabeth line infrastructure, beginning when construction starts.
  • Current or future LU, LO, DLR and Elizabeth line rolling stock; former LU & DLR rolling stock anywhere, former LO and Elizabeth line rolling stock only in preservation or when in use on the relevant mode.

No location will appear more than twice in any calendar month, it is exceedingly rare for adjacent locations to appear on consecutive days (e.g. if yesterday was Great Portland Street then today is almost certainly not Baker Street or Euston Square).

Backgrounds and insets can be anything not covered above, historically trains, trams and other railway locations have made up nearly a third of backgrounds/insets with bridges and notable, usually historic, buildings being the next most common.


Around 24 hours after posting, answers are given if there have been correct guesses. If there have been incorrect guesses then clues (where available) are given instead. No guesses means no clues.

There is no time limit on questions, feel free to submit your guesses to any previous question that remains unsolved. If a question has gone unsolved for a few weeks or more and you really want to know the answer then just ask in the thread. A member of the quiz team will post the answer after about 24 hours to allow time for anyone who missed it the first time to have a go if they wish.

Credits and submissions

Most photographs are taken by Thryduulf, who also does almost all setting of questions and image editing. Explicit credit is given for anything that is the work of others.

If you have images of your own (for main locations or backgrounds/insets) then contact Thryduulf by PM to arrange, making sure to say how you wish to be credited. Submissions are always welcome but it may be some time (sometimes years) before an image is used - e.g. only 77% of current TfL stations appeared in 2024 - and there is no guarantee your image will be the one chosen next time that location is used.

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