SimSig talk:Sessions

From Bradshaw, the companion guide to On Our Lines

Changing Session Day/Time

I'm mindful that Saturday evenings, quite late, may no longer be the best time for SimSig Sessions to happen, with the world returning to normal and people having very busy lives. It's likely we'll be dropping the frequency to fortnightly-(ish) anyway, but are there particular days or times that people think would work better? Maybe a weekend afternoon, for instance?

We generally need a block of around 4-5 hours, inclusive of a break, to make a Session worthwhile, but do recognise that this doesn't always work for everyone. Drop your ideas below and add to the discussion, and we'll see what seems to work for people! No such thing as a daft suggestion. Jarley (talk) 13:27, 16 April 2021 (BST)

For me most Friday or Saturday afternoon-evenings should work, but I do have the issue of a very inconsistent schedule :). ChielM