
From Bradshaw, the companion guide to On Our Lines
SimSig Sessions
On Our Lines plays SimSig
12 - Saltley Sprouts & Turkey Signals
Date29th December 2021
Host(s)Jarley (talk)
Simulation Information
Simulations in useSaltley
Upcoming Sessions
3 - Saturday 2 November 2024 To be announced
4 - Saturday 7 December 2024 To be announced
5 - Friday 27 December 2024 Christmas Session - to be announced

On Our Lines' 12th SimSig Session is taking place on Wednesday 29 December. There will be panels to suit all abilities available, and newcomers are welcome. You can join #on-our-simsig-lobby at any time for the pre-session chat.

To sign up please edit the page and in the Participants section at the bottom enter your user name, your availability, experience level and which paid simulations you have, if any; if you have a preferred panel you can also list it here although this cannot be guaranteed.


To follow.

Panel allocations

To follow.


  • jarley (talk) host coach
  • alexjrobertson (talk) = Moderate experience - happy to take any panel. Preferable easier the better.
  • deadly (talk) - Should be available from lunchtime. Preference for Leamington Spa, or Saltley South Bottom/Stratford if no Leamington.